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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

believing in a fairytale

Do you believe in fairytales? Well maybe it’s something to be dreamt of by everybody. It’s like a poor woman married to a king…And after some trials, the two of them will still be together at the end and they will live happily ever after…

Some may say that’s ridiculous or really out of the question. But believe me or not, these things really happened.

When I was a girl, I used to hate this kind of stuff. I used to hate the fairy tales of Cinderella, Snow white, Rapunzel etc. etc.etc… I always think that reading this stuff is just a waste of time. You better do other things that could make you happy for real rather imaging stupid stuffs.

I am just an ordinary girl who always wants to live a simple life. Yes, just a simple life that it could be. I don’t dream of a perfect man, I just dream to have a real man. A man who could give me the so-called life. A man who can give me not really the best but just enough and worthwhile memories. And a man who can give me a reason to fight and live in live in this world.

What made me change my beliefs about this stupid stuff is the reality that I’m living now. I’ve read, I’ve seen not only in movies and soaps but in real life love stories that fairy tales are not just a dream but it’s really happening. It’s not necessary for you to be a king or a queen of Copenhagen, London or any other countries…It’s not necessary for you to marry a king, but marrying a man who could treat you as the queen of his life will make the best the love story and a fairy tale in this time.



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